Mission of The JBR Foundation: Educate, Outreach, Action

Educate: The JBRF is dedicated to help fight the suicide epidemic growing in our country and to do our part to remove the stigma that surrounds addiction and mental health. By providing funding and educational programs to schools and other youth organizations in and around Southeast Iowa and West Central Illinois we hope to educate our youth on these sensitive yet urgent topics. We know that it is a big, lofty goal. However, if sharing Jamie’s story to educate others can help even ONE single person to choose life over suicide then our work and our efforts will be worth it.

Outreach: Our outreach programs are of utmost importance. Jamie was the most loving and social human being to ever grace this earth. He LOVED people. His passion for people and his ability to connect with others was simply unparalleled. We are committed to honoring his love for all people by creating outreach programs that will connect us with others that have lost their loved ones to suicide. Our first outreach program, Project Thumbies, was inspired by the three beautiful children he left behind.

Action: Stop Suicide Today.